Magical Relationship Between our Physical Body and Mind - Part 1

Abstract: This article brings you scientific facts on the relationship between body-mind, mind-memory, and the past-present-future time frames. The article emphasizes how the human brain helps in initiating the thought process by interacting with the different brain regions. Even though science is yet unable to unravel the mystery behind this complex human thought process, this article tries to bring scientific findings and speculations together to draw a meaningful picture. Mind in Body or Body in Mind (A Scientific Viewpoint) ? There have been a lot of debates about this topic since the 17th century [1] . Is it the mind that is inside our physical body or the other way around? The first must be convincing to you, which is rather a general belief. The latter is somewhat unconvincing but was brought up to the public by therapists, spiritual masters, and yogis. Therapists often base their viewpoint around our psychological and physiological relations...