Abstract: In modern day spirituality, we often encounter unexpected, unwelcoming spiritual and psychic attacks that hinder our spiritual progression. Most of these attacks are aimed at lightworkers and starseeds who are ambitious and creating a larger impact in their sphere of influence, where people are being transformed in large numbers. The attacks are usually instigated by malevolent beings in the higher energy planes to energetically manipulate such individuals, siphon energy from their higher chakras and to feed misinformation. But how do we become vulnerable to these attacks when we are karmically clean? Well these malevolent beings specifically exploit various kind of spiritual laws to achieve this to the unawareness of the yogi and the bodhisattva practitioners (i.e. ascended masters) are the main target group. These attacks can be so powerful to the level that, they can even stop your ascension plan, blocking the kundalini energy in your body and cutting your spiritual code with the universe. The attack usually does not stop there, it may even implant monitoring souls that act as astral bots to disturb, manipulate the practitioner, even changing their reality of perception. This article sheds light on this topic, presenting a practical case study and providing remedies to overcome the issue.
Fig. 1: The depiction of the higher planes of existence and how the Etheric/Astral plane attacks can penetrate into our light bodies. This is done by exploiting karmic laws and our weak points.
Our existence spans across many energy planes/layers and they are occupied by different kind of energy beings. Of course the higher energy planes emit light, but it doesn't necessarily mean, beings from these planes are sane, or support lightworkers. Some beings are trapped in these energy planes, looking for guidance to end their samsaric existence. Some beings actively support lightworkers, enlightened masters to elevate human consciousness and they work as a team. But some malevolent beings serve dark forces in the universe where they have a common agenda to suppress the lightworkers. To suppress the mass-awakening. After all, we are both light and darkness, and we have the option to either embrace one or transcend that duality. Infact, several posts in this blog cover a great deal of this topic. i.e.
Etheric Implants and Scalar Tagging
You may find a number of online materials written on this topic. For instance, following materials were really helpful for me to understand the nature of the subject at the beginning in addition to my own research. I am sharing these links, as evidences to prove the existence of such malignant acts. So that, if you are an ambitious lightworker, who is tirelessly working for the awakening of others, can learn from it.
Hereafter, what I am about to write you is my own experience, my own insights gained through research, meditation and information acquired through channeling.
Causes of these Attacks
In my experience, these implants and tags are energy forms, that dwell in lower or higher etheric/astral planes. They do not operate alone and usually are controlled, or enslaved by a higher dimensional being. This higher dimensional being can be in one of the highest planes of existence (10D-12D), who could be a controlling/ruling figure of this existence. Most likely operating at the Matrix level. In the Buddhist and Abrahamic traditions, we have characters fitting to this description; i.e. Mara who was against Buddha, and Satan who was trying to tempt Jesus. Both operate at higher levels of the hierarchical existence. If you are an influential lightworker who is desperate for the highest truth, you will certainly come into the attention of these higher/lower beings. Lower beings are not really in favor of light workers, and this is understandable. But higher beings? Well, they can be sometimes jealous of the practitioner and of his/her true potential.
Fig. 2: The control of the lower being by the higher being in their role as a puppet master.
In most of these cases, they exploit the spiritual/karmic laws and other secretive information, manipulations to make us vulnerable. Following can be the causes of such attacks:
1. First and foremost, our own weaknesses, defilments are exploited by these beings in order to block our ascension, chakras - i.e. Using our fears, surfacing our defilments, lust. And manipulating ourselves to commit karma.
2. Lack of discipline/Sila - Adhering to a discipline is mandatory if you are handling higher energies, and operate at a higher plane of existence.
3. Higher beings exploiting spiritual/karmic laws that are unaware to you - In these situations, the practitioner is really helpless, as he can be bombarded with both right/wrong instructions, thoughts. Both light and dark forces act simultaneously upon him for this. For instance, you get instructions that is unique to you through a unique spiritual channel. Following these instructions is true to you, but is not favorable for other higher beings owing to their expectations, hidden agendas, politics and timelines.
Nature of the Implant, Its Behaviour and Its Target
The bot, or the etheric implant may have a demonic figure to its appearance (You can see it in your meditative or dream visions), and it could very well be a being from one of the lower astral planes who wants to take revenge from the practitioner. These energy forms have the possibility to communicate with you, feeding you false information, manipulating your thought process and keeping you stuck in an endless thought loop. Only with the help of this thought loop, can it survive. In the worst-case scenario, thought loops can help the energy bot to spread through several energy centers in your body. The practitioner can be even pushed into a suicidal state, if he is not aware of the exact situation.
The best target position to take over the practitioner's mind, body and spirit is the higher energy centers of their body. This includes, 6th-7th and the other higher chakras behind the head as shown in the figure.
Fig. 3: The most strategic location to place the etheric implant (blue): It can spread through the higher chakras as shown above.
In one of the posts, we have explained the creation of the thought process. You can read it
here. As was mentioned, the faculty between the 6th-7th chakras is responsible for creating the consciousness. Having an implant around this area essentially means, the etheric implant can take over your mind and you can be a slave to its control if not taking precautions. Moreover, this arrangement has the potential to cut your
original spiritual code to the universe and therefore, you can be spiritually controlled in more effective way. For instance, your original spiritual code may have been connected to the purest universal source, and you are essentially getting your spiritual downloads from it. This type of simulatable implant has the potential to severe your original spiritual code and replace it with another universal code if they want. In the worst case scenario, the situation may look like below:
Fig. 4: The worst-case scenario resulted by an etheric implant and the parasite energies. Once this happened, it's difficult to recover from this situation.
As a consequence, you may experience the following:
1. Your meditative visions, dreams are already hijacked by the implant and parasite energies. You cannot further rely on these instructions.
2. Your intuition is no longer functional. The implant has a significant control over your thought process and 3rd eye function. So that, it is arduous to make proper decisions.
3. You're lost in your thought process. Regular pain and suffering caused by these implants keep you stuck in your endless thought loops. This inadvertently escalate the spreading of the implant. The situation may not let you sleep at night due to the bombarding of thoughts, and endless dream visions during the sleep.
4. Dizziness: Most of the practitioners who went through this had experienced dizziness. So that, you may feel like sleeping the entire day and you may become slightly unconscious during the day time.
5. In your spiritual practice, you are perhaps supposed to adhere to a discipline. i.e. Following the 10 precepts of Buddhism. However, once your mind-body-spirit has been taken over by the dark energies and these etheric, astral parasite entities, they never let you stick to the practice and hinder your progression. For instance, you are supposed to do fasting. But these energies strategically work together to fail you in these tests. They increase your hunger, and let your sexual energies rise at the same time. This is where the ambitious starseeds have to be really careful. One could say, this is done by the the Matrix system itself.
Remedies to Weaken the Implant
For some starseeds/lightworkers, this type of an incident is a learning curve. However, recovering from the situation is not that easy and has to go through a lot of suffering. Literally this feels like "bearing the cross". I am sharing the remedies that helped me to get over a similar incident and may it be a help for anybody who wants liberation.
1. Despite the suffering, endless thought loops, sleepless nights caused by the implant, we should try our best to stay in the present moment, without dwelling in the past or future. This gives less power to the implant and weakens its strength.
2. Information is the enemy to the liberated mind: Naturally when we are in such a situation, we look for answers outside and we gather enormous amount of information to arrive to a conclusion or to find a remedy. This can too worsen the situation as the malicious nature of the etheric implant uses this information to confuse the starseed further.
3. Studying the science behind its operation: In Buddhist meditation practices, we have this special training called cutting through the five aggregates (or 5 skandhas). Buddhism often speaks about suffering and it is associated with our consciousness. If we do not create consciousness, one after another, as a chain of billions of thoughts, then we are free from suffering. But why do we often end up creating this untamed, never ending consciousness? Specifically, the "thought loop" in our example? This is the nature of an unenlightened mind.
In this practice, we study and learn about the creation of consciousness, and the primary causes behind it. This requires the study of 5 aggregates (or 5 skandhas). Buddhism says, what we perceive through our five senses then go through several stages to ripe into our consciousness. This practice, as it is relevant to our particular example is shown below:
Fig. 5: Crystallization of the Implant due to the Clinging to 5 Aggregates and Thought Loops.
As can be seen, initially, the implant is a scattered set of energy particles. Due to the pain incurred by this energy buble and the compulsive mental activities, naturally we become unstable and affected by it. In other words, we get identified with that energy, so it becomes a part of our reality. This helps the crystallization of the implant, growing further in us. The sequence of 5 aggregates till it forms our consciousness is given by:
Form =>> Feeling =>> Perception =>> Mental Formations =>> Consciousness
If you can break this pattern with the help of mindfulness, you can effectively break the thought loop associated with the etheric implant. In that way, you cut the fuel to the mental formations and consciousness, so that the implant cannot further grow or cannot come into crystallization. In a nutshell, being extremely mindful of the situation and living in the present moment helps to get over the situation.
4. Energizing your body and stay in higher vibrations. Usually, the parasites, implants and their associated dark forces do not allow you to do so. Once your ascension path is blocked, it is quite difficult to raise your Kundalini energy vibrations. At least you should consult energy healers, other enlightened masters to raise your energy with the help of their auric field or should visit an energetically consecrated place to meditate. Somehow you have to uplift your spirit and stay in higher vibration against the darkness.
5. Combine your own energy, or pure energy fields at a consecrated place with the chanting of protective mantras. For instance, following protective chants are extremely useful in such a situation. Implants can block the visions of the higher chakras, but their energy field might still be active around you. So the chanting of protective mantras is a sure way to push the energy implant/bot away from its current entangled location to the outside of your body.
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