The Hyper-Dimensional Matrix Control (මාර) System - Proof That We Are Living in a Simulation ?
Abstract: Many of us are familiar with the movie called 'The Matrix,' which was released in 1999. Directed by the Wachowskis, it is a groundbreaking science fiction film that feels remarkably relevant to our current reality. The story follows Thomas Anderson, a computer hacker who discovers that the reality he perceives is a simulated construct created by sentient machines to subjugate humanity. Surprisingly if you are a spiritual practitioner on the bodhisattva path, you may find yourself navigating a similarly strange and unfamiliar territory at a certain stage of your spiritual evolution. Many ascended masters throughout history have faced challenges during this phase of their journey, but Gautham Buddha stands out as he was the only master to completely transcend the Matrix control system in its entirety. One could say this is the real evil of this world. All Buddhist masters who followed the footsteps of Gautham Buddha are enemies to this control system and this post speaks about my own experience navigating through this phase. And this is dedicated for all the truth seekers who are desperately looking for the highest truth.
Fig. 1: Left: The Matrix movie, Right: The higher planes of existence followed by the Matrix Control system and its transcendence to our final liberation.
For many of us, "The Matrix" is just a science fiction film or another TV series. However, since it was originally broadcast, the series has prompted many people to question their existential reality and the elusive/illusive nature of the world around them. In fact, I believe the impact this series has had on society is more significant than that of any other religious studies. Some might argue that I'm taking this movie too seriously, but I have every reason to feel this way, as my own experiences and insights from my spiritual journey support my perspective. I hadn't seen this series before reaching a particular stage of realization, so my understanding of an illusory, Matrix-like control system developed long before I watched the series. In other words, my personal experiences served as validation for the existence of such a system.
The Hyper-Dimensional Matrix Control (මාර) System
This simulation-like environment, referred to as the control system or the 'training ground,' serves to trap unawakened individuals within this existence. As a result, they remain ensnared in the never-ending cycle of samsara (re-birth) and suffering. These individuals have chosen to stay in a deep slumber. Conversely, for those souls who possess the potential for liberation in this lifetime and aspire to become ascended masters or influential starseeds, this control system acts as a training ground.
Nevertheless, escaping this system and achieving final liberation, much like the Buddha and his followers did, is an incredibly challenging endeavor. It is essentially a psychological battleground where one must confront both internal and external struggles until they transcend the notion of the 'self.' Furthermore, the system has been structured to maintain its balance, specifically to support matured souls in their spiritual journey, ultimately leading to mass-scale human liberation. The term 'hyper-dimensional' stems from the interconnectedness among various dimensions, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Moreover, it pertains to the relationship between this 1D-12D hierarchical structure and the extraterrestrial realms.
From Where and How Do We Enter the Hyper-Dimensional Matrix (HDM) Control System ?
Many people who have watched mind-boggling television series (i.e. The Matrix, Westworld, The Truman Show) or engaged in religious studies often begin to glimpse the controlling nature of existence, or what can be described as the mental enslavement. This realization may arise at times of personal suffering or out of a deep curiosity for truth. However, despite these glimpses and occasional feelings of distress, most of us still remain in a state of slumber during this initial stage of awareness. The true immersion into what can be termed the 'real' matrix control system typically occurs when one reaches a higher level of awakening—often after surpassing the ascended master level. More specifically, within the Bodhisattva path, this awakening usually manifests upon reaching the 10th bhumi level. This transformation also occurs along the Arya (Disciple) path. The following figure illustrates the pathway to the HDM control system from the basic awakening stages.
Fig. 2: What we usually refer to as "Higher Self" or the highest samadhi state depicted in this figure, is actually not a representation of God. It's a sort of computer animated simulation created by the HDM control system itself. This samadhi state is usually witnessed at 7th Chakra (Crown) activation. Deeply aware meditators might even detect the computerized simulation control system right behind these samadhi states. Even the people/beings who are associated with it.
Q: Does it mean, our consciousness is a sort of 'digital self' to our physical manifestation? Yes, we can interpret it in that way. To the one who has no meditative experience at all, our consciousness is a 'gross' entity. But the one who has gone through the initial stages of awakening, he/she witnesses the subtlety of human consciousness. This comes as bliss, unity or tranquility within themselves. This is the attainment of lower Samadhis. Then the meditator progresses to the higher Samadhi states and, at some specific point, he/she confronts a mirror or 'mirror-like' nature which reflects their own 'self' (image). This is guaranteed to be witnessed in the bodhisattva path. This can be referred to as the digital self.
Q: Does it mean that these higher Samadhi states are wrong? No, they are actually evidences for your advanced meditative achievements and the fruits of your sincere spiritual practice. These states indicate that you have attained an elevated level of consciousness within the realm of existence. However, it is important to understand that, at a higher level, these Samadhis and meditative illuminations are created by the HDM control system itself. Therefore, there is yet another layer that needs to be transcended to move beyond this limitation.
Q: Is this knowledge accessible to everyone? No, generally, it is only the yogis who have reached the level of the HDM control system who are aware that their consciousness is, in fact, a component of a computerized simulation. In reality, our consciousness remains trapped within this system until our ultimate liberation occurs. Once liberated, we can no longer be detected within the HDM control system. This reminds me of a quote from Gautama Buddha regarding one of his liberated disciples. Buddha emphasizes that the consciousness of a liberated person (within the Buddhist Path) cannot be ensnared by 'Mara' or any external influences. In Buddhist tradition, 'Mara' represents a higher controlling figure in existence that wants us trapped in this cyclic existence. Similarly, Satan in Abrahamic religious traditions may share common traits. In my opinion, these figures bear a striking resemblance to the very topic of this blog post, the HDM control system.
Are We Slaves to this System (Existence) ?
If you read the previous section of this post carefully, you would understand that the HDM control system is an integral part of our existence and the universe. One could also interpret it as a vast, universal AI that manages all energetic transactions and manifestations within this universe. We are born into this existence and, naturally, we become subservient to this system until we uncover the truth. Only through an inward journey can this truth be revealed to us. Once you begin to recognize the HDM control system as an evolutionary stage, you will start to question everything around you. Your perception of reality will shift dramatically. As you gain this new perspective, you may start to realize that all your personal attachments and possessions are merely shackles that bind your soul and hinder your freedom. Does severing all those attachments truly lead you to freedom?
The Best Part: Is Our Destiny Predetermined?
In one of our previous posts, we discussed the concept that 'time is an illusion' and the idea that all three time, along with their corresponding physical realities, manifest simultaneously. A yogi or meditator who reaches the HDM control system level can even witness these concurrent manifestations. It resembles a 'movie reel' in which we, as unawakened beings, play out an endless journey. Many yogis have claimed to witness three times in this way, including practitioners from various non-Buddhist traditions.
However, simply severing our attachments does not free ourselves from this 'movie reel.' We remain a part of it. So how do we unplug ourselves from this existential movie reel? This is what Gautama Buddha discovered through his enlightenment: true freedom from existence, or liberation from the HDM control system itself. In other words, it involves transitioning from existence to non-existence. The real question is: what binds us to this system?
Cause and Effect: Are We Free From It?
Only a fully awakened being is free from the laws of cause and effect. If we carefully examine our lives, we will come to understand that we are bound to this existence due to our insatiable needs and desires. As long as we remain entangled in our defilements, the principle of cause and effect will continue to operate within us. Therefore, we cannot separate ourselves from our desires; they are the iron chains that bind us to this cycle of existence, or samsara.
Fig. 4: The influence of cause and effect on manifesting the outside world. The "Memory Heap of Cause and Effect" lies in the 8th level of our consciousness. Advanced meditators can have access to this memory heap.
Is mindfulness the only remedy for this condition? Yes, both defilements and the triggers that lead to cause and effect can only be overcome through mindfulness. Additionally, we must adhere to a strict spiritual discipline. For example, the food we consume has a significant impact on our decision-making. Excessive meat consumption, for instance, tends to increase virility and can make consumers more aggressive. If you are truly free from the laws of cause and effect, the existential movie reel can no longer take you anywhere.
Yes. Mindfulness is the way. ❤️🙏