Creation When and Where ? Or is it Instantaneous ?

Abstract: There are different religious and non-religious ideas on the creation of the universe. When did it occur? Science is yet unable to trace back the origin of creation. Time to time, science unravels mysteries of earth with physical evidence. i.e. Dinosaur Fossils. After each revelation, the definition of the ages and pre-historical periods change repeatedly. Any attempt to discover the beginning and the end of the creation has only been futile. Then how should we look at the creation ? This article brings you wisdom on that.

Indian traditions present an explanation for the creation of this universe, quite in a similar manner to the Abrahamic religious beliefs. According to Buddhist cosmology, the dawn was full of darkness, and there was just one mass of water. The Earth (referred to as savory Earth) then expanded over the waters, and the mixture of earth and water turned into an edible substance that tasted like pure wild honey, of the color of fine ghee, and smelled like heated butter. Then the light beings from celestial realms tasted the mixture out of greed and curiosity. Then their luminosity started to disappear, and so did their purity. [1]

The excerpt goes further as follows:

"As they ate and ate, their luminous body began to be coated by the mud substance, formed a coarser body, then suddenly, the sun and moon were seen, so were the stars, and also Night and Day began on Earth. The logical explanation of this was that the creatures were the self-illuminating, so blinding and luminous that they didn't notice the Sun. The Earth was covered in their light. So, when the materialization took place, the light faded inside their newly conceived 'body' of mud and thus the night and day became apparent to them. Then, as the night and day became apparent, seasons and years also appeared." [1]

Was it Original Teaching from Buddha?
There are debates on that. However, there is a nice story about a man who brought this question to Buddha. The guy was interested in cosmology as well as philosophy, and he was going from one pandit to the other, looking for a satisfactory answer to his question. The conversation between him and Buddha went like below:

Fig. 1: Buddha discusses about creation with a disciple

Master, when did the creation happen?
Buddha didn't answer the question.
Master you don't know the answer?
Buddha signaled he knows the answer, but didn't speak a word.
Master I don't understand you?
Buddha remained in silence and wanted to convey that the answer lies in silence.
Master, silence cannot reveal anything to my question!
Buddha goes: In silence and meditation, your question may disappear.

Meditator’s Viewpoint
Where do we start? Mind is the only accessible tool we have, to find answers to our questions or, in other words, to let our questions disappear. If the meditative awareness and samadhi absorptions are very sharp, the meditator can even experience the momentarily breaking of his physical body and transitions between the physical body and the outside energies. Who experience these absorptions? The subtle bodies (altogether the individual's mind).

Fig. 2: Instantaneous creation and our outer-world

Is it right to call these “outside” energies ? When we take time/space dimensions into account, the higher energy sources are located outside our body. For us, the reference point for time is our mind and the reference point for space is our body. This means anything we notice in these dimensions in the outer world is experienced with respect to our mind and physical body. Even though this breaking is not experienced often, it always happens. That means even if we do not meditate, the subtle bodies move between the physical body and the universal energies at a very fast rate. When our consciousness becomes so subtle, the moving can be even witnessed during the day time. When you are fully relaxed.

In my opinion, the cerebellum of (or little brain) is the most important physical entity that is useful for our spiritual growth. A huge amount of unawakened neural circuits (9 times of our normal active neuron density) are asleep in this region. Only with the activation of our energy circuit, or awakening of spirituality, one can bring this region into its active state. We cannot do this forcefully. When it becomes active, it started to vibrate like a motor at the beginning and then becomes stable after some time. After this activation, you cannot consume any alcohol or any kind of drugs, our nervous system and entire brain naturally resists to the artificial stimulations as such. 

Does our mind create our external reality ?
We say that the world around us is a projection of our mind. It can be understood, interpreted in several ways. First, conceptually:

i.e. When you see a known person, the vision along with your past memories brings you a story around that person. Naturally we look at the situation in a biased view. Could be pleasant or otherwise. This biased view can lead us to make a new reality in the current situation. If the previous experience is unpleasant and if you cannot control yourself, the current situation may lead you into an unwanted cycle of incidents. Your cause creates an unexpected effect. Understanding this conceptually is not so difficult.

Something more to this ? What is meditator's opinion ? 

So in reality, we don't even own our bodies. That also breaks time to time as a part of universal dynamics. No one can run away from life and from what creation presents to us. In the same way universe creates us through several energy levels (due to the equilibrium), it also creates a world around us depending on our karma (cause) in a way for us to experience certain things and evolve. Or settle debts! This does not mean you have to look at life in a negative way, instead the life is several possibilities to upgrade ourselves. If and only if we surrender! We cannot physically locate where the causes come from, but the projection of the world happens through our brain (Cerebellum) and five senses. The universal energies then arrange situations for us to interact with people or meet circumstances, so that we may evolve. By making conscious choices we have the option to either evolve or go back and learn the lesson again. Cause is always followed by the effect. Only by dissipating of karmic energy or remaining causes, one is free from the effects. We say that the enlightened person is free from cause and effect. Then only, one can become a fully conscious person, creating his/her own realities. Universe then presents options to him by balancing karmic energies. 

Do we still need answers for the question of cosmology ?
Once you come to know that the creation is "here and now", creating external and internal realities around you, it does not make sense to go back in the history and find answers. All answers we find from our mind and within the intellectual capacity are just speculations. A relative interpretation to our limited experience. This is how an inward journey let the questions disappear. It is wise to say that creation is instantaneous!

I surrender myself to the spirituality, I see a lot of synchronicities, how come ?
In Abrahamic religious traditions we often hear about synchronicities, mutual resonance, and esoteric principles. These are not superficial things in my opinion. When you progress in your spiritual path, you are always presented a multiple situations or realities to make. Since we are human beings who can make conscious choices! Then depending on the decision we make, we steer ourselves in a specific direction and we come to resonate with what we meet. People, places, concepts, soul tribe etc. 

It's because of the linear behaviour of our mind, we see these synchronicities in sequential manner. Recall one of our old posts, mind works in memory (past) -> now (present) -> action (future) order. That is the only way mind can work. Universe does not work in that way. It creates simultaneous possibilities of multiple realities to the surrendered person. The action always comes down to his free will though.  
Fig. 3: How multiple realities are formed and connected together based on what we decide.

But after we come to taste the apple, mind will be in retrospect of what happened and we see all the incidents in a sequential manner. The entire picture certainly comes with a huge surprise to us. 

How to decide what to do ?
Is the future certain ? It has not even arrived yet. How does the future unfold ? When you walk on the path, it only opens up. The multiple realities are already there, simultaneously  occuring ! We just drive ourselves.

Btw what does it mean to be the knower of 3 times ?

When 1st Karmapa became fully enlightened, he was given an honorific title "The knower of 3 times". What does this really mean? When the adept transcends all his mind layers and even the physical body, he is free from the notion of time and space. Yet fully functional in both of these dimensions as Ramana Maharshi states. This is what we call Sahaja realization. Then your samadhis are always present (unbroken), you do not need to go into crossed-legged position every time. At this point you're a fully conscious being and the creation happens in the way to support your mission. Then there is no question about the nature of the future as all multiple realities lead you to the same goal. His mind was always one with the highest universal forces and therefore the manifestation of future occurs through his mind and body in conscious manner. Otherwise knowing future is not some kind of a magic !

Knowing our future is certainly boring, isn't it ? No surprise, no uncertainty, no effort, no challenges.  



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