Meditators: Beware of Trickster Spirits (Everything Glitters is not Gold) !

If you are coming from a pure Vipassana (Mindfulness) background, this is highly unlikely the case. If you have a strong Shamatha/Chakra activation background (Maha-Tantra-Yana), then this post is for you. Usually the meditators, energy healers are exposed to the, higher dimensional region called the spirit realm. Upon activating certain chakras in our body, the subtle energy channels and winds can bring you to subtle meditative absorptions starting from the Sambhogakaya (spirit-level) samadhis to clear-lights. They are referred to as sun-like, moon-like nature of our mind respectively. Theravada Buddhism also briefly talks about these meditative absorptions. Usually this spirit realm starts from the 6th Chakra energy level. From this level to the Dharmakaya level, there are several levels to the spirit realm, which is diverse. Beings from lower realms usually mislead the "genuine" spiritual practitioners, especially when their soul is getting closer to its purity. This post is dedicated for all sincere spiritual practitioners and warns you about the traps in the spiritual path.

Fig 1: An energy healer, a reiki master and a Vipassana practitioner

Sincerity of our meditation practice always lies in the purity of our mind. In other words, cleansing our defilements. This ultimately leads to the fruition mind of our path. All other attainments are secondary to this. Therefore, it is extremely important to know whether we traverse through the right layers of our mind, or right meditative absorptions. This becomes a major issue for Bodhisattvas as they have pure, genuine and noble intentions. Since their end-goal is also superior, they should become the most attentive ones in their path.

We say that desire is the devil’s pitchfork. Desire is of twofold, mundane as well as spiritual or desire for power. Both lead us astray. If the mind is purified, we do not become sensitive to any of these. The only desire that is valid for a spiritual seeker is, the “desire to know truth”. Vipassana practice is about losing ourselves, dissolving our identity. However, if you only follow the energy path through Shamatha, then there is high chance of falling into a trap. The external, unwelcome forces are sensitive to our desires, our low vibration.

Many meditators can easily identify the dark energies and dark forces. In fact, meditators are in the exposure to these during their dark night of the soul (Recall Buddha’s story). However, trickster souls also exist in the spirit realm and they cannot be easily distinguished. They appear in different illusory shapes and forms, in bright shining, colors and lights. In Buddhist tradition we often talk about such a higher being called “Mara”. If you follow the bodhisattva path, you are supposed to walk in the darkness, sometimes even without clairvoyance. If we are full of desires, and desperately looking for instructions, then these trickster beings are ready to assist (trap) us 24 hours. This is why practicing under a genuine spiritual lineage, under a qualified master is quite important. In Buddhist tradition, you can find such masters in Maha-tantra-yana traditions who have the ability to see your meditative attainments/samadhis by themselves (We often see this ability in the higher Bodhisattvas and Buddhas). This’s thanks to their lineage transmission. The tricky situations are as follows:

1. Divine masculine-feminine principle: A famous trick to send the practitioners astray. True meaning of this concept is to unite these energies within us. Most energy healers look for the answers outside, look for or change partners. Sometimes (well renown) tantric practitioners at the last bodhisattva stages fall into these traps. In fact, for some of them, these false instructions appear in their meditative visions. The true discernment ability is a must to overcome these issues.

2. Exploiting your attachments to your spiritual practice, to your guru: This is an attachment too. The trickster souls may appear in your meditative visions to trick you that somebody is sullying the good name of your guru/lineage. In this way they can manipulate you to do harmful deeds.

3. Suggesting you to do occult practices, certain rituals. Harboring in your body to absorb your spiritual energy.

4. Entity removal: Tricking you to believe, there is an entity in your body. Or sometimes due to our karma, such cases are possible. The best part comes later; leading you to people who remove them. Or appearing in your meditative visions, suggesting that it was done by a specific person which is also false. Most of the time, due to our ignorance, we send these non-existing or existing entities back to another person energetically. In this way, many people getting involved in a karmic cycle, and it may passed down to several generations. In many Indian/Sri Lankan old and noble families, we see these type of issues. Misuse of occult, leading to the generational curses.

5. False instructions to sacrifice people/animals: We often see this in African spiritual practices. 

6. Fake lights, fake meditative Samadhis (The Fake Divine): Only a few enlightened masters in the history have spoken about it. In modern days, Master Samael Aun Weor wrote a few books on this topic. The highest level of the universe has a duality, light and darkness. Fake divine is the highest level of the hierarchy of the darkness and they can create fake meditative lights to trick sincere practitioners. Usually the highest level of bodhisattvas are vulnerable to these cases and their exalted wisdom and mastery in meditative trances alone can identify the falsity. These energy beings can trick you to believe a fake white light to be your "fruition mind". They have less influence over monastic order practitioners though. Sometimes lineage protectors might also help you to overcome these obstacles.

These higher beings can appear to you as both dark and light beings. Their duty is to sway the genuine practitioners from their spiritual practice and only thing we can do about it is, being free from defilements and being compassionate towards them.


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