
Showing posts from January, 2023

Magical Relationship Between our Physical Body and Mind - Part 2

Abstract: Part 1 of this article highlighted the scientific facts on the relationship between mind-memory and the past-present-future time frames. We studied that all mental formations, such as perception and imagination, finally boil down to the neurological activities which happen in the brain at the present moment. Part 2 of this article brings some religious context (in more scientific manner) into this discussion and tries to unravel the relationship between modern science and ancient wisdom. Religions that Talked to Our Hearts and Minds Undoubtedly, all religions and spiritual practices try to reach our human heart, mind, and soul. Through meditation, yogic exercises or routines, prayers, love, and self inquiry, they allow us to reach an exalted state of our mind. or God consciousness ! However only a few teachings and religions directly talked about the human mind and the energy system. The examples include Hinduism and Buddhism . Others may have concealed such vital informatio