
Showing posts from July, 2023

Many Masters, Zero Vessels : Higher Dimensions and Nirmanakayas

Abstract: In many religious traditions, scripts, we encounter various kinds of non-physical beings. They are from both lower and higher dimensions. Beings from higher dimensions are known as light beings who may appear before the bodhisattva to support him. Many practitioners nowadays believe that these are just merely stories, mind made and mythical, but to the one who progressed through bodhisattva path, their support is natural and essential. There are various kinds, from low ranking divine beings to angles, archangels and seraphims. The most important kind is the bodiless ascended and realized masters, famous bodhisattvas in the highest spirit realm (Sambhogakaya) who are waiting for their vessels.  This article brings author's experience on this.        What is the true purpose of Mahayana practice ? It is to benefit countless beings. In order to do that, the helper (the bodhisattva to become Buddha) has to be limitless. What is the biggest limitation we have against our full

Are Mahayanist Really Naive ?

Abstract: In many occasions we see that, Mahayanists are liberal towards other faiths, spiritual traditions and religious beliefs. This may be seen as a "weakness" by some other Buddhist traditions and extreme views. Had it not been for Mahayana philosophy, Buddhism would not have really flourished in the West. The reasons for the survival of Buddhism include its philosophical depth, creativity, compassion, wisdom and the life long dedication of old masters. Where do these qualities such as liberty, innocence and creativity come from ?  Fig. 1: HH Dalai Lama enjoying the visit at  St Stephen’s Cathedral   Many westerners who practice Buddhism, especially the Tibetan version, may try to cultivate the qualities of impartiality just because HH Dalai Lama demonstrates it. Or because their root guru or lineage masters recommend it. Is this mere a display of act to win favor of people and politicians ? Should we do the same following their footsteps ? Or is there a particular reas

Non-Physical Beings: Lower Dimensions (Root cause of their existence ?)

Abstract: In many religious traditions, scripts, we often hear about various kinds of non-physical beings. They are from both lower and higher dimensions. Beings from lower dimensions are typically labeled as dark beings who may appear before the bodhisattva as obstacles, to disturb his meditation. Many practitioners nowadays believe that these are just merely stories, mind made and mythical, but to the one who progressed through bodhisattva path, these obstacles have to be faced. In some cases, encountering, channeling them is an integral part of the practice. In fact it is a duty of the bodhisattva to clarify certain spiritual matters to these confused souls, even sharing his healing energy with them. This article brings forth the author's experiential insights on this matter.     We say that, the bodhisattva's service is both worldly and non-worldly. In non-worldly aspect, the adept has to accept things he does not like, things he did not imagine to exist. Especially the thi