Many Masters, Zero Vessels : Higher Dimensions and Nirmanakayas

Abstract: In many religious traditions, scripts, we encounter various kinds of non-physical beings. They are from both lower and higher dimensions. Beings from higher dimensions are known as light beings who may appear before the bodhisattva to support him. Many practitioners nowadays believe that these are just merely stories, mind made and mythical, but to the one who progressed through bodhisattva path, their support is natural and essential. There are various kinds, from low ranking divine beings to angles, archangels and seraphims. The most important kind is the bodiless ascended and realized masters, famous bodhisattvas in the highest spirit realm (Sambhogakaya) who are waiting for their vessels. This article brings author's experience on this. What is the true purpose of Mahayana practice ? It is to benefit countless beings. In order to do that, the helper (the bodhisattva to become Buddha) has to be limitless. What is the biggest limitation we ha...