
The Christian Heaven from a Buddhist Perspective (Christian Heaven witnessed by a Buddhist Yogi)

Abstract: Concepts such as heaven and hell exist in almost all religious traditions. Abrahamic traditions believe that, once you're liberated on this planet earth, you can go to heaven. Buddhist traditions mostly deny this claim and believe that we must reincarnate into this human world again from these celestial realms. Some believe that, these are merely mind-made concepts and in reality do not exist. Abrahamic traditions rely on the attainments such as ego-death, resurrection at their enlightenment while Buddhist traditions state, "Nirvana" is the highest goal leading to the final liberation. So there is a conceptual and a practical difference between the two. However a meditator who followed the bodhisattva path may have been exposed to both of these spiritual traditions and might have a different perspective, entirely based on his meditative experience. This post is about that. Fig. 1: Depiction of heaven in an old painting (left), heaven as a meditative vision and a...

Karma & Effect vs Cause & Effect !

Abstract: Different spiritual traditions present different interpretations to the complex mechanism called "karma". Sometimes people label that everything happens around us is due to our karma, and this statement is against the general Buddhist view. This is what the human mind is generally capable of, making unsubstantiated speculations on the things it doesn't comprehend. However, only an enlightened being knows whether something is really due to our karma or not. Based on his extraordinary understanding, Sakyamuni Buddha had revealed, certain universal principles called "niyama dharma" that do not fall under this "karmic" category. But whoever appears in this world in a physical form, is bound by these universal principles. Therefore, Buddha has introduced a new concept called "cause & effect", which is, in principle, more scientific, more liberating and universal. This article will explain why "Karma & Effect" is just a ...

Meditators: Beware of Trickster Spirits (Everything Glitters is not Gold) !

If you are coming from a pure Vipassana (Mindfulness) background, this is highly unlikely the case. If you have a strong Shamatha/Chakra activation background (Maha-Tantra-Yana), then this post is for you. Usually the meditators, energy healers are exposed to the, higher dimensional region called the spirit realm. Upon activating certain chakras in our body, the subtle energy channels and winds can bring you to subtle meditative absorptions starting from the Sambhogakaya (spirit-level) samadhis to clear-lights. They are referred to as sun-like, moon-like nature of our mind respectively. Theravada Buddhism also briefly talks about these meditative absorptions. Usually this spirit realm starts from the 6th Chakra energy level. From this level to the Dharmakaya level, there are several levels to the spirit realm, which is diverse. Beings from lower realms usually mislead the "genuine" spiritual practitioners, especially when their soul is getting closer to its purity. This post ...

Vipassana: For All Purposes, for All People and for All Seasons

Abstract: Vipassana practice is unique to Buddhism. It is said that Gautham Buddha had found this practice 2500 years ago, which lead him to his final liberation under the Bodhi tree. However we find different forms of Vipassana practices in other religions too. This could be true as Vipassana essentially means, "Insight Meditation" which can be practiced by anybody despite their religious or ethnic background. There are many programs nowadays offering seasonal Vipassana retreats (during Monsoons). We believe that Vipassana practice is the sure remedy to end our suffering and to be free from mind projections. But how so? And what is the true from of Vipassana? This article covers only the practicality of Vipassana and relate them to Buddha's enlightenment.    Fig. 1: Vipassana : From meditation to a quality of mind. When it comes to the practice of meditation, there are thousand different forms to it. Similarly in Vipassana meditation. The aim of this article is to bring ...

Fruition Mind: The Best Safety Deposit for Samsara (or Nirvana) ?

Abstract: Once we mentioned that the only thing that is beneficial for us in this samsaric existence is the practice of spirituality. There is absolutely no guarantee that our materialistic possessions will remain same or our current prestige will continue to the next. It is quite the opposite! The practice of spirituality can be as simple as having a great devotion, faith towards your spiritual guru (i.e. Buddha), or following five precepts. It could be as great as attainment of a fruition mind through meditation. We may accumulate a lot of wealth; however the best safety deposit for our samsaric existence is the attainment of the fruition mind. It can happen in any stage of the path as well as in any of these paths: shravaka, silent buddha or bodhisattva. There is a 100% guarantee that this mind will certainly continue to the next, and will be your one and only safety measure. Fig. 1: The best safety deposit: decide it yourself. The safety deposits are of several kinds. They can be...

Did Nagarjuna Commit Heresy (A Mystic or a Mistake) ?

Abstract: In one of the previous posts we discussed that the great philosopher and the bodhisattva Nagarjuna helped revitalizing Buddhism by presenting the Madhyamika philosophy to the world. Sadly many Buddhists do not accept his teachings due to its philosophical depth and the later timeline of his work. Sometimes his work is considered as heresy by certain sects. However real yogis and intellectuals from both Theravada and Maha-(Tantra)-yana traditions consider his work as a masterpiece that reflects the Buddhist wisdom. Did he really commit heresy ? Then whatever the practice that springs from his teachings should be heretical too. If so, why our root guru, Gautham Buddha had prophesized Nagarjuna's coming ? Let's analyze this issue. Fig. 1: Nagarjuna presenting his teachings to his heart disciple, Aryadeva . We have spoken about the topic "emptiness" in many occasions, to the level that is too overwhelming. In the west, this term became so popular thanks to Mahay...

Lineages, Lineage Holders and Their Duties

Abstract : There are three ways to practice; practicing under a lineage, just following oral instructions, and doing all the work alone. What is the difference ? What does a lineage even mean ? There are oral lineages as well as energetical lineages. Generally you may find oral lineages in Theravada tradition and the energetical ones in Maha-(Tantra)-yana tradition. Is   passing down knowledge or energy, like passing a baton in a relay race ? Do masters have preferences when passing down their lineages to the students ? Is Sakyamuni’s energy still alive in these lineages ? We try to explore these topics and answers to these burning questions.   Fig. 1: Lineage transmission is a sacred (right-hand figure) process. With the mass awakening of the humankind in this era, more and more people are interested in practicing meditation, reaching higher consciousness levels, doing yoga and becoming enlightened. This is a positive sign in my opinion. Although it may sound overwhelming to ...