
Showing posts from May, 2023

End of The Darkness, Appearance of the Light and Ascension

Abstract: The darkness of the mind does not stay much longer. Every polarity of this world is transitional, and they come and go. We observe these transitions with mindfulness. Darkness only needs to be endured and is then followed by the light. After this stage, there are two pathways to the practitioner depending on his maturity; after mastering the meditative absorptions  and darkness, the final light appears to him, and his realization is complete. The other type has further to go, where the so called ascension happens through the individual.  For both, this is the starting point of the journey: To bring light to others. This post is dedicated to anyone who needs to understand and needs help crossing the darkness of the soul.   Figure 1. Darkness to the Light: Transmutation of the negative afflictions of the mind The darkness is required to illuminate light and therefore is inevitable. This phase can be misunderstood (appeared to be) as an outside obstacle, but in reality, it is o

Awakening - Truth Beyond Words and Scriptures

Abstract: So far, we have covered scientific and religious information pertaining to our human body, mind, and liberation. In this way, the first few articles establish the foundation for this post, which will walk you through my unique, gradual awakening experience. Every transformation took place while I was fully engaged in my daily life, with the right balance between mundane and spiritual activities. That is how I started and felt at the beginning. Later I realized life is always one, without any separation between mundane and spiritual. My story is a walk of true grit, compassion and devotion to the practice ( Bodhisattva path). Childhood We were the last generation who had freedom to enjoy our childhood, in more nurturing way, in nature, more playful manner. When I was about 6, I had a spontaneous spiritual experience which opened myself to the surrounding, like seeing everybody as me even without doing any kind of meditation. Moreover when I go into sleep, I started to see col

Magical Relationship Between Our Physical Body and Mind - Do We Reincarnate ?

Abstract: Part 1 of this article highlights the link between the human mind and the body in terms of our brain mechanics and biology. These are the most recent scientific findings to explain the origin of the human mind. Part 2 brings some religious context into it, describing how certain spiritual traditions go about the same topic. In this way the both articles established a link between science and spirituality which should give a new perspective to the reader. The conclusion of these two articles comes here answering some burning questions based on the meditative experience of the author of this blog.  Fig. 1. The after-death process (The state of bardo or the  Judgment Call). 1. Do we Reincarnate ? People engage in spiritual practices for many reasons. Some want to eliminate suffering, and some want to find their soul’s purpose. Suffering mainly occurs in the mental sphere, and practices such as mindfulness and self-inquiry can dispel our negativity, self-attachment, and insecurit