
Showing posts from June, 2023

Is Calling "Eternal Self" Wrong ?

Abstract: We have already analyzed the concepts of Self and No-Self in religious and spiritual contexts. The conclusion was, these two were same in spiritual context, despite their different names. However there is a confusion related to "Self Realization", considering the "Self" to be an eternal substance. This is not the case with No-Self concept, as the only possibility in that teaching is change or impermanence. Why these are contradictory points ? Is the "Self" eternal ? This article evaluates these statements, and brings some light to the topic. In certain religious traditions, even in Vedic traditions, we find the term "eternal self". The literal meaning of the term "eternal" is everlasting, forever. Or even "very long time". We learnt that, so called "self" realization is none other than finding our original source within. Which source is it ? We learnt that deeper we go within ourselves, the more empty we be

Why Spirituality Should Welcome Intellectuals, Philosophers and Radicals ?

Abstract: The general belief is that there is no space for Intellectuals, Philosophers or Radicals to express themselves, their revolutionary ideas in a religious arena. However certain religious traditions welcome such people. i.e. Buddhism has produced such extraordinary philosophers in the past. And they represent themselves as free thinkers within this tradition. The freedom and the depth they held attracted both wise as well as enemies. Even today, Hinayana Buddhists do not accept the teachings of great philosophers such as Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu and Asanga. This story is about the greatest non-dualist who ever appeared on the earth, Nagarjunapada.     Fig. 1: Nagarjuna and Aryadeva Working on Madhyamaka Philosophy Studies Mahayanists (and the practitioners of this lineage) consider Nagarjunapada as the second Buddha whose wisdom and intellect is more or less comparable to Gautham Buddha's. In my opinion, Gautham Buddha cannot be understood without studying all three yanas in

Past Lives: Do They Matter ? How the Spirituality Affects Your Next Life ?

Abstract: In any authentic spiritual practice, we do not delve into our past lives. Any meditation we do, we do it for our peace, liberation and to find ourselves. Any meditation we do for getting to know our past lives, to gain psychic abilities mostly end up screwing ourselves. Instead these qualities and abilities should naturally stem from our genuine effort to know ourselves. As byproducts! Certain spiritual traditions highly emphasize about the reincarnation of human beings, ever running samsaric cycles. But if we forget what we become in next life, why bother ? Why practicing spirituality ?  This goes like a conversation between a Master (not a teacher) and a Disciple..... Disciple : Master, I do like to know my past lives. I want to recollect these memories. How to do that ? Master : Why did you come here in the first place ? Why being distracted to know something else ? Why don't you meditate diligently and let everything reveal by itself ? Disciple : I heard there are spe

Self vs No-Self: Are They Really Opposing Ideas ?

Abstract: Most Abrahamic and Indian traditions emphasize realizing the "Self" nature of the individual. On the contrary, Buddhism thrives to realize "No-Self" nature. They seem to be contradictory in their definitions and names. But we learnt that we share the same human body, mind and energy system despite the religious background we come from. Then there should not be two types of liberations, and this article brings some light and wisdom by demystifying these concepts, that clears up the confusion.     Gautham Buddha's teaching has flourished throughout the Asia, reaching out to the lands of far east. Some people even fight over the birthplace of Buddha, proclaiming he was originally from their home countries (i.e. Sri Lanka and Iran) even by presenting historical accounts and archeological evidences. However Buddha's main teaching is to let him born within ourselves, turning our hearts to be the ground where a lotus can bloom. Turning our gross minds to

Intellectual vs Experiential Understanding

Abstract:  Understanding everything written so far in this blog, intellectually is not a big deal. Our human mind has the potential to contemplate, re-derive, re-define concepts, philosophies and everything. They all sound true and convincing at the same time to the "mind". This is due to the relative and interdependent nature of the concepts and mind. For instance, it is not difficult to understand the duality and non-duality even without any meditative experience, within the limitation of our consciousness. However that understanding is with respect to the "mind". Why this is not so fulfilling? This article sheds some light on that. This is a conversation between a Zen master (not a teacher) and a disciple.  Disciple: Master, I understand the concept of duality and non-duality. It is not so difficult to grasp. Now what ? Master: Could you please give me an example ?  Disciple: Basically the difference between opposite polarities, such as male-female, hot-cold, s

Creation When and Where ? Or is it Instantaneous ?

Abstract:  There are different religious and non-religious ideas on the creation of the universe. When did it occur? Science is yet unable to trace back the origin of creation. Time to time, science unravels mysteries of earth with physical evidence. i.e. Dinosaur Fossils. After each revelation, the definition of the ages and pre-historical periods change repeatedly. Any attempt to discover the beginning and the end of the creation has only been futile. Then how should we look at the creation ? This article brings you wisdom on that. Indian traditions present an explanation for the creation of this universe, quite in a similar manner to the Abrahamic religious beliefs. According to Buddhist cosmology, the dawn was full of darkness, and there was just one mass of water. The Earth (referred to as savory Earth) then expanded over the waters, and the mixture of earth and water turned into an edible substance that tasted like pure wild honey, of the color of fine ghee, and smelled like heat

Does God Exist ? Or is it Dependent Origination ?

Abstract: In this post we will look at the creation in terms of our inner world .  How a meditator would see this creation without falling into any belief system? Meditator starts his journey based around a certain belief, a fixed practice at the beginning. With progression, his life starts to unshackle from certain identities, labels, pre-conditioned concepts and therefore freedom from any false identities, even from his own practice and meditative experience. At some point he starts to live by his own truth which is the reflection of his inner world.    When we refer to the creation of this universe/existence, the idea of the creator inevitably comes into the surface. Therefore certain spiritual traditions developed around this concept defines an omnipresent creator and signifies the importance of being one with him. On the contrary, the traditions around atheism signifies transcending ourselves, from our limited human capacity to a universal possibility. The second view further goes