Sexual Slavery vs Sexual Mastery : Karma Mudra - Do they practice it right ?

Abstract: When we talk about "Tantra", most likely the first thing crosses our mind is "Sex". Terms Tantra and Sex have become so interrelated in our mind, despite its true meaning: To go beyond mind. Tantra means the interwoven nature of existential phenomena. In other words, the existential phenomena and the buddha nature are inseparable, intertwined with each other and therefore, our very (mundane) life is the perfect playground to exploit, practice spirituality, according to Tantra. As the saying goes, "passion" was the source of universal creation and therefore can be exploited to end it. This principle gave the rise to the practice of sexual yoga or "Karma Mudra". For an ordinary being, this is certainly a drive force to practice Tantra. Would it be same for a bodhisattva ? Let's dig into this deeper and explore the science behind it. 

Note: Please do not try anything in this content at home ! 

Reports on sexual scandals and misconduct are not really new around Tantric practices. In the Buddhist tradition, these accusations were specifically pointing at Karma Mudra practice in the Tibetan tradition. This happens when a sacred practice is not properly understood, and there are no more living masters of ancient wisdom to guide Tantrikas. How is sexuality indirectly related to spirituality ? This statement may go against the Shravakayana (Theravada) beliefs, though.

The oldest written evidence of the Karma Mudra practice can be traced back to Guru Padma’s chronicles. In Vajrayana practice, we say that our human body-mind combination should be as firm as a Vajra, in other words, to be indestructible. But there is much deeper meaning to the Vajra, which comes from ancient tantric wisdom.

Fig 1. Guru Padma holding a Vajra

True Meaning of Vajra
Vajra has two poles. The opposite poles are of the same size and of the same magnitude. One pole represents our sexual desire and passion; the other is its exact opposite, the Buddha nature. First signifies the reproductive (re-creative) energy that is required to govern the entire existence. The seen. The second signifies universal energy, which is the unseen; the one behind this illusion. Without one, the other cannot exist. This world cannot exist. Therefore we cannot go against reproductive energy until we reach a certain level. As an individual, any attempt to go against this energy comes as a price to the individual. Every Buddha has to suffer for that.

When a Buddha comes, he will bring salvation to many. Therefore the, resistance to him from the re-creative energy is significant. Unlike a sharavaka (to become an Arahant), the bodhisattva (to become a Buddha) should have a special training and an energetical pull to handle this huge resistance. Mere meditative insights or instructions from a guru cannot help him as the bodhisattva’s trajectory cannot be decided by others. At that particular moment, there could be more Buddhas available in the world, but none can help the bodhisattva as he has to unravel his story alone. For him, both of these poles have to be perfectly aligned, perfectly strong, like a steel rod. Tantric knowledge/initiation and empowerment is a must for his progress.

Two Awakening Souls In Parallel Tracks ?
A bodhisattva who is destined to become a Buddha does not evolve alone. According to the universal dynamics, there is another (strong) soul from the opposite sex (female) that evolves parallelly to him, most likely to his unawareness. Usually, these two souls are one of the oldest souls evolving since the dawn of the universe. They share many DNA qualities, personal traits but opposite spiritual qualities; i.e. the bodhisattva may be more spiritual, compassionate and may have higher energy centers active, while the female counterpart may have lower energy centers fully awakened. The evolution of their souls from the dawn to the current existence may look like below.

Fig 2. The evolution of the higher bodhisattva and their energy mixing back to the source.

In this situation, the higher bodhisattva may meet the other soul as a coincidence. Or if they both come from highly spiritual lineages, they may be found naturally or by lineage heads. I believe such couples were often identified within old Tantric lineages (i.e. Tibet, Nepal, Indian). Mostly the couple have matching energy profiles. They share many past lives reincarnations together, settling their karmic debts. Union of their energies physically or at a higher level can produce more productive energy and a higher realization to the bodhisattva, activating his old DNAs and even higher dimensions. However, their priority never lies in the sexual act.

As can be seen in Fig. 2, the independent awakening of both individuals can bring them to child/mother clear lights and sun-like nature. The tantric initiation for sexual yoga can only be performed when they reach the highest sun-like nature. We cannot perform such an act in the clear light as our consciousness disappears in it. This is usually initiated by the higher bodiless bodhisattvas in the Sambhogakaya realm (spirit region), connecting both minds of yogis. The highest sun-like Samadhis have qualities similar to our Sun in the solar system. Therefore, its energetical power can rejuvenate our DNAs and unawakened neurons. Even without physical intimacy, the two yogis can connect with each other through an energy tunnel and blissfully share their energies. As a result, 1000 of years old forgotten DNAs of both will be activated. For the bodhisattva, this is a boost to his energy system, strengthening his lower chakras. 

i.e. The bodhisattva may have leadership skills or meditative skills in one of his past lives, but lacking it in this life. As a result of balancing karmic energies, the counterpart in those lifetimes may have these qualities in this life. The universe picks the right counterpart (usually this individual shares many lifetimes with) in this way and by mixing their energies, the bodhisattva will regain these forgotten strengths. 

Which human guru can decide and make choices like that ? Would Sambhogakaya bodhisattvas grant such an initiation to everybody ? Nobody is as equal as the universe, hence people bound to do mistakes in this practice. 

This is not practiced as a regular act, though. After the initiation period, everything is over. Remember, this is a sacred act between the sacred energies and should not be seen as an action between physical karmic bodies ! Without this, the final clear light may not appear to the bodhisattva.

Can the Female Counterpart be Any Awakened Soul ?
If you study the science behind it as described above, this way does not make any sense and is a display of sheer stupidity. However this is what most practitioners nowadays do. A very few find temptation and just pleasure in keeping nuns, female practitioners, as sexual slaves around them. Only a few had courage to question it, to question HH Dalai Lama about the ethics in this practice.

i.e. The enlightened lama Tenzin Palmo questioned Dalai Lama over the scandals reported around certain tantric gurus. According to HH Dalai Lama, nobody in the Tibetan lineages nowadays knows how to perform Karma mudra in the right way (I doubt that).

Understanding Emptiness
Understanding emptiness intellectually is not a big deal as was mentioned earlier. But what does it mean to understand "great empty" nature experientially ? One of our posts discusses about the great empty nature revealed by the final clear light (Brahmakaya). This has to be available to the bodhisattva to progress further and there seems to be a direct relation from Karma Mudra practice to this revelation. After Karma Mudra, the great darkness comes and it is followed by this final clear light.  

For a bodhisattva who is making his own path, the universe takes care of his Tantric initiation. It is impossible for him to progress without the tantric empowerments. A Buddha without tantric knowledge is a bird without its wings. After he becomes fully enlightened, he reveals this sacred information to a few advanced disciples and is passed down as oral instructions through lineages. It is not so surprising to see these instructions get misapprehended after a few generations. In my opinion, ones who actually and genuinely engage in such practices should revive these yogas as they have a tremendous scientific significance. 

A bodhisattva who is entitled to perform Karma Mudra act has to suffer several life times for his inspiration to become a Buddha beforehand. If the true science, sacredness and depth behind this act is opened to people, many who are interested in Tantra will certainly drop out from the practice next day. 

Similar sciences can be found in Western esoteric traditions !!!


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